Jake Martin - Team Leader

Senior in CPR E with an interest in Cybersecurity.
Grew up in a small town called Shelby, IA.
Post graduation, I plan to start full-time career as an IT & Cybersecurity Examiner.
I enjoy playing most types of sports, reading books, playing chess, and occasionally video games.

Jacob Foster - Point of Contact

Jacob is a senior majoring in cybersecurity engineering at Iowa State University.
He plans to continue his education by getting his Masters in Cybersecurity at Iowa State University.
In his free time, he likes to read books, learn about wireless security, and go on walks with his dog.

Justin Tyler - Documentation

My name is Justin Tyler. I am an electrical engineer specializing in control systems.
I have a major interest in all things defense related.
From the plate armor a knight would wear to passive anti-burglar
house design, if I can keep something safe, I want to do it.

Megan Litterer - Designer

Megan is a Senior in Software Engineering with a minor in Cybersecurity.
She grew up in Bellevue, IA and plans on working on embedded systems post graduation.
She enjoys playing games, knitting, trying to keep her plants alive, and reading.

Noah Frederiksen -